Our Services

We service, repair, and remodel in-ground pools and spas throughout Central Texas – Austin to Killeen and over to Lampasas. 

We replace and repair equipment, fix leaks, clean filters, clean pools, and adjust chemicals. We upgrade and refurbish existing pools and spas, including plumbing, electrical, pool surface, stone work, tile, etc. We can give your pool or spa a “face lift.” We solve all manner of pool problems: chemicals, cleaning, plumbing, electrical, etc. 

We are responsible for the entire job, whether we do the work ourselves (design, planning, electrical, plumbing) or manage one of our business partners (stonework, tiling, resurfacing). We closely monitor all the work on your pool to make sure everything is done right.

We handle equipment from all the major pool manufacturers including Jandy/Zodiac, Polaris, Pentair, and Hayward. We solve all manner of pool problems: hydraulic, controls, pumps, filters, and/or heaters.

Todd Johnson

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Please note, we service in-ground gunite pools. We do not service above ground pools. We do not service fiberglass pools and spas.

Avoiding confusion: There was another pool service company in Central Texas with a name similar to ours: “Waterloo Pool Service.” The owners of that business now have “Liquid 8 Pools.”